Monday, July 23, 2012

Who Wants To Learn Some Scottish?? (July 23)

Sorry folks, but the combination of jetlag & a very rainy day makes for quite the cozy day (or boring day, for you pessimists out there) and not much to post about! Unless, of course, you want to call my trip to the supermarket exciting...

It's been quite some time since I've been in the rain, so I loved being able to cozy up and drink tea!! No complaints here. :)

So, I've decided to share with you some random Scottish things I've learned! Check 'em out:
  • It's not an elevator, it's a lift.
  • It's not an apartment, it's a flat.
  • It's not a garage, it's a car park.
  • They're not intersections, they're junctions and roundabouts. (...As they drive on the left side of the road - still not used to that!!)
  • It's not a shopping cart, it's a buggy. (And on that note, you have to put money down to use a buggy and you get it back when you return it so you can't steal it - why don't we do that?!)
  • It's not a grocery store, it's a supermarket. (Okay, so that one's not that different...)
  • Oh, and they don't have Dove chocolate. So, today I learned that I am going to SAVOR the Dove chocolate my momma sent with me and make it last 2 months. Unless someone wants to send me some...? ;) Or better yet, visit me and bring me some!!! Or if you visit, I'll be so ecstatic that you can just forget the chocolate thing altogether.
  • I paid more for a tiny, tiny, tiny thing of Skippy smooth peanut butter today than I would pay for a HUGE supersize thing of Skippy smooth peanut butter in the US. That was my one splurge item. I need my Skippy smooth peanut butter.
  • Apple needs to get on its game because Siri apparently can't understand Scottish accents. Now that's not fair! 
  • It's COLD here, and even COLDER in the supermarket. Okay, note to self: MORE LAYERS. 
  • It rains....a lot. Good thing I love rain!
  • Museums here are free. Why aren't museums in the US free? :(
  • "Red sky at night, shepherd's delight; Red sky in morning, shepherd's warning." -- Tomorrow should be a nice least, the red sky says so!!
P.S. I'm obsessed with their accents. That is all. :)

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