.....I wish! Maybe I'd feel like a queen if I partook in the luxuries of first class - but oh, no, I was just one row BEHIND first class, with the dreaded "curtain" separating the first-classers from us lowly folk. ;) Anyone seen Bridesmaids?? I thought about pulling a "Mrs. Iglesias" and seeing what the flight attendants thought.....
All jokes aside, I'm here! And I cannot complain about anything at all - everything about getting here went very smoothly. My loving pops drove me to LAX before the sun made its appearance - he's brave waking up at 4 am! I got all checked in and through security in no time, then just waited around for my first flight and slept the WHOLE way to Philly. After a slight delay, we took off and hopped across the pond...it was a 7 hour hop. ;) I hopped across the Atlantic one way while my brother hopped back from France - I thought that was cool!
Although I didn't get extremely lucky with my seat - stuck in a little cubby with a wall in front and behind me - I lucked out with the people I was sitting next to. I met a GREAT couple, Tray & Mack, and we chatted for the first 3 or 4 hours of the flight! Our flight attendant Star made the flight even better by checking on us constantly and giving us some "complimentary" wine - I guess good company and a little wine make a long trip pretty enjoyable! After a quick snooze and a peak out the window, we began descending through layers of clouds (it is the UK after all) and landed over the BEAUTIFUL greenery!! Take a look.

After landing and going through the shock that I was actually, finally in Scotland, I got picked up from the airport by a close family friend's cousin - or something like that! I had my first "UK moment" and almost got into the wrong side of the car...I forget they drive on the left side of the road here, so the driver & passenger seats are switched! I got a lovely tour of the city and even got to see exactly where I'll be doing my research. The city of Glasgow and the University of Glasgow are GORGEOUS! I can't get enough!! Eventually we made it to my flat right on the River Clyde and I met my flatmate Fiona - I lucked out with her, too! She is so nice. We had tea and croissants, and then I dismissed myself for a short nap - we're talking 9 am - noonish. Now fast forward to 5 pm when I woke up cuddling with my phone! Thanks to my extended slumber, we had to cancel our big supermarket trip and plan it for tomorrow. Fiona's fiance James did drive us there really quickly to pick up dinner and breakfast, and I now have one item on my shelf - I am the proud owner of some tasty Cheerios. :)
Have I settled in? In a sense. If you call changing into the coziest sweats and fuzzy socks and plopping on the couch while watching Friends and gorging myself with chocolate settling in...then yes, I have settled in. Unpacking? Showering? Eh...I'll get to that. ;)
For all of you wondering, I am 8 hours ahead of the west coast. Right now it's 10 pm and still not completely dark! I think I like this. :) Anywhoooo, that's enough for now. And remember, I have email, Skype, and Facebook so don't be a stranger!!
OH - one more thing. Check out this picture...
See that? The sun? I was told there wasn't supposed to be any sun in the UK! The sun was shining right through when we landed...maybe I brought some of my San Diego sun after all! :)