Saturday, September 8, 2012

Guinness (September 8)

Rise and shine, it's Guinness time! If you're in Dublin, you don't really have a choice - especially if you're traveling with guys. My bad, MEN. MEN, who drink GUINNESS. Because Guinness Is Good For You. Okay, okay, moving on. :) Enjoy the pictures!

Barrels & barrels & barrels

After we toured the Guinness Factory, we got to go up to the Gravity Bar and get a free pint of Guinness. The Gravity Bar had an amazing view of Dublin! And it was quite the friendly, social environment - but then again, I guess that's what you get when you give everyone free alcohol!

 View from the Gravity Bar


Proof!!!! Looks like I'm enjoying it, huh? 

Aaaaand, after!

 "Take a picture where we look drunk!" Crazies.

Guinness Models

St. Patrick's Cathedral

 Shamrocks on all the lampposts :)

 St. Patrick's Cathedral

Park by St. Patrick's Cathedral - We were a bit tired, so we decided to sit in the park and relax for a bit. 

 ....Then we woke up, 2 hours later! AMAZING NAP.

Then we carried along. :)

Pet stop - Hung out with these guys until we saw snakes & spiders - SEE YA, pet shop!

Then we decided to go on the pub crawl advertised by the youth hostels - similar to the one I went on in London. It was all in the Temple Bar area and sounded like fun!

 Our second bar was showing the USC vs. Syracuse football game. So rather than socializing, my eyes were peeled to the screen...beside all the other guys in the bar, haha. Apparently girls don't like sports here!

 Irish pub with Irish music!!

Long story short, the guys didn't quite keep up with the pub crawl so I was on yet another pub crawl alone. So, I met these girls and hung out with them the rest of the night! :)

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