Saturday, July 9, 2011

A Lazy Day (July 1)

Today, we were all planning to meet at 8:15 for breakfast- the usual. Then, since we only have one day between Spain and Italy, the whole ship had Global Studies from 9-11. Well…….it was also broadcasted on the TVs in our rooms. So…yeah, I slept through breakfast and watched from my bed. :) At least I was awake! Lauren was still conked out! After it ended, I hopped into the shower then met up with the girls for lunch.

Now the rest of the day is really busy and detailed…not! We were feeling tired and lazy so we all went to one person’s cabin to watch movies, paint nails, and catch up on blogs. We read through everyone’s long lists of movies and when I asked what Coyote Ugly was, it immediately became the movie we were watching. I liked it! Then we watched John Tucker Must Die- always a good movie. I painted my nails, then made my way up to dinner!

All the while, the Sea Olympics were going on. Each deck has a sea name, and today all of the seas competed for the grand prize- getting off the ship first in Boston when we return. I love big games and competitions and relay races, but I had zero energy to participate. I was absolutely drained! I know I sound lame, but they scheduled this on the ONE day we had back on the ship between Spain and Italy. We were overwhelmed! And exhausted. Most of the competitions were filmed so we had it on mute on the TV in the room, so I DID get to see my team WIN! Go Caribbean!!! :) Part of me wishes I had participated, but the other part knows how much I needed the R&R. You can only go for so many days in a row! Foreign countries drain you! 

After dinner was pre-port for both Naples and Civitavecchia, Italy. One thing I learned is that in Naples they don’t speak Italian, they speak Napoleon. It’s a completely different language. That doesn’t mean much for me though, since I don’t know either of them! I’ll be gesturing my way around. Maybe I should learn how to say cheese pizza. Hopefully they have it on the menu. :) Because I’m SURE going to eat my way through Italy. I avoided pizza in Spain at all costs so I could save it for Italia!

When pre-port was over, I had a group meeting for a documentary we have to do on our Mt. Vesuvius hike in 2 days for Natural Disasters. And after that, I came back to my room and did a FULL cleaning- all my clothes away, all my stuff organized, everything. I even made my bed…right before I got into it. And now I’m sitting in bed ready to go to sleep once Eat, Pray, Love is over. And when I wake up, I’ll be in Napoli just like her!

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